Saturday, December 19, 2009

Oh no, Lotus... surely you wouldn't ...

Installing Lotus Foundations on a client PC is normally a straightforward job - click here, click there, then twiddle my thumbs for five minutes while the code copies down from the server.

Not this time. The install script kept bombing out with 'unable to create file' errors. Two minutes of checking with a text editor found the problem:
set noidfile=no
set logfile=c:\Notes850_Setup.log
echo -------------------- >> %logfile%

A hardcoded 'c:\' in a setup script without a prompt to warn the person installing the software? Surely Lotus wouldn't ... but alas, Lotus did. Of course, this works wonderfully when you are setting up on a PC with a c:\ drive but not so well when the local drive is set to h:\ and a c:\ drive doesn't exist.


Craig said...
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Craig said...

That would also blow up on Vista or Windows 7, too.

Creating files on the root of boot is verbotten.

Gavin Bollard said...

ooh nasty. I'm not sure who IBM is using to do their testing nowadays but I'm seeing errors creeping in that I would have picked in an instant.

The day I installed Notes 8.5.1, I "discovered" four fatal flaws which allowed me to crash the client in 3 or less keystrokes - not impressed.

I haven't bothered reporting them all, not after my experience with the two problems which I did report.

Hopefully IBM can put some testers on for Notes 8.5.2.

Allen Reid said...

Hi Graham,

Thanks for the heads up...

Just a quick update for you on this one... Based on your post we have had this issue fixed in the next release - surprisingly we had no calls through support for the scripting oversight. While we do try to monitor blogosphere postings for Foundations-based issues, its always a good idea to raise these things with Support - as we will always work to get a fix in place as quickly as possible.

Gavin Bollard said...


While I can understand that IBM would love Graham to report only though the proper channels and not on the blog, his posts have a number of good effects;

1. We all find out about the potential pitfall before we fall into it.

2. Somehow, blogging seems to make IBM just that little more responsive.

3. Readers get to see that IBM, like all vendors has its issues but that unlike certain vendors, IBM actually fixes it's issues.

One of my issues is being resolved at the moment by IBM. As soon as it's resolved and tested, I intend to blog about it. After all, IBM deserves praise when they're responsive.